Playing with Movement

Recently I saw a video that really got me thinking (and moving).  Ido Portal moves so gracefully and with such ease and power that it simply inspired me.  I finished watching the video and promptly did a cartwheel, handstand, and backbend.  I hope it has the same effect on you!The thing I took away from this video was actually two-fold.  I spend my days encouraging patients to move more: take micro-breaks at work to get up and move around, break up long drives rather than sitting for extended periods of time, exercise regularly, etc.  But what this video brought to my attention was the FUN behind movement.  Yes, absolutely, move because you can.  Move because it's necessary to improve injury outcomes and prevent things such as diabetes and heart failure (see examples here and here).  But at the same time, we should move because we WANT to.  I get it, some days it's a struggle to motivate yourself to get to the gym.  Some mornings you'd rather hit snooze five times instead of going out for a run.  But if we bring the fun back to movement, then I argue that not only will our bodies improve, but so will our minds.There has been some discussion (such as this and this) regarding childhood play.  Kids are expected to learn and perform well on tests, but children may actually learn MORE by playing than by being instructed directly (see this article).  Kids will run, jump, climb, and just PLAY; they learn about their bodies and their environments while they do so.  When is the last time you did a cartwheel or a bear crawl?  CrossFit has brought attention to these basic movements, but you don't need to be at a gym to do these.  Take initiative.  Crab walk to your kitchen, cartwheel to the mailbox.  It's hard not to smile after you do a cartwheel.  Imagine what you could do for your mood and your body if you moved - just for fun - everyday.  Movement isn't just good for joints, it's good for your mind!  Move like a kid again, and start feeling better today!