LOTS of New Classes Forming for 2015

Usually my posts are focused on some form of health-related topic, but this one is strictly business.  There are so many exciting things coming in 2015, and I wanted to highlight what each one of them is all about!I am a certified HypnoBirthing™ instructor, and will be hosting courses for expectant parents.  These classes meet for 2.5 hours weekly for five weeks.  The course is a comprehensive childbirth class, meaning you'll learn the basics of changes occurring in the body during pregnancy and techniques to help guide your body naturally through labor and delivery.  Using self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques, visualizations, breathing, and affirmations, you will develop a birth plan for you and your partner to welcome your baby into the world in a calm, gentle manner.  To learn more about HypnoBirthing™ the Mongan Method, visit http://hypnobirthing.com/.  Contact me to register for upcoming courses.The first BirthFIT Postpartum Series was a huge success!  Exercising postpartum can be intimidating or even cumbersome for new moms.  But movement is life, so getting started (either returning or for the first time) working out after Baby arrives is incredibly important! The ladies in the class learned functional movements, new exercises, bonded with each other, and became noticeably stronger.  They can confidently use the tools from class to embark on their personal fitness and movement journey towards whatever goals they desire.  The course runs twice a week for four weeks, and each class is an hour long.  Find out more about BirthFIT here, and contact me to register for the next series.My husband and I had the pleasure of working with Jennifer Shryock, BA, CDBC, in helping to keep our family safe with a dog and a baby in the same house.  We found her insight immensely helpful, and learned so much from our interactions with her.  Jen is a dog behavior consultant, but specializes in dog-infant and dog-toddler family dynamics.  If you have a four-legged child and are expecting or have a child in your home, I encourage you to check out Jen's website.  But the exciting news is that she's going to be hosting monthly parent education meetings at my office!  You can learn some excellent tips for how to prepare your home AND your pet for the arrival of Baby.  More info coming soon!I got to meet with Jill Lokitz and Dr. Laura Greene recently, the founders of Mom-Me Connections.  They recognized the need for women to connect with other women and learn valuable information from local resources and created Mom-Me Connections.  These small groups are designed to give mothers and expectant mothers the opportunity to access local resources as well as get support from and connect with other moms WITHOUT having to spend all day researching or feeling drained.  The classes will highlight local resources for everything from breastfeeding support to personal sytlists.  You can find out more about the groups and register through their website.There are a lot of new things coming to Triangle Chiropractic and Rehab, and all are in an effort to help make your life happier and healthier.  I'm so excited for 2015!