It's National Running Day

Hope you can all get out, enjoy a little sunshine and run! The 33 joints in your foot are begging for a little action. Try kicking off your shoes and see what happens. Your foot has adapted over thousands of years. The notion that you need to be protected from the ground makes sense if you're trying to sell cushioned shoes, but not if you recognize that our bodies were built with our feet on the bottom. That means those feet were made to hold us up and move us around. Enclosing your feet in shoes to "support" them takes away your basic ability to get sensory information from your surroundings, starting from the ground up. Strengthen the intrinsic muscles of your feet, and send your brain a little more info about what's happening on the ground. Celebrate National Running Day and set your feet free! (Also, enjoy a few great videos here: and here: )Have a great run!