Our favorite heartburn trick!

If you’re dealing with heartburn, we need to make sure that your diaphragm is moving and functioning well and that you are consuming an anti-inflammatory diet. We can get to work on your diaphragm at your next appointment, and you can ensure your diet consists of fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, and fish (an anti-inflammatory diet) at any point.

But right now, you need to feel better: especially if you’re experiencing reflux during pregnancy! So before you go to bed (regardless of what time you have heartburn), give this a try:

  • take about 2T of raw apple cider vinegar (with the mother) straight (no dilution, no chaser)

  • take 10 full core breaths

  • go straight to bed.

That’s it! Take the ACV, take 10 deep breaths, and go to bed. Then get to work on improving diaphragm function and ensuring that your diet supports your body’s functions.

To your happy gut!

Lindsay Mumma, DC