Neuromuscular Therapy

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is derived from a technique pioneered by Dr. Vaclav Vojta that was originally intended to treat children with cerebral palsy. Vojta’s technique has expanded since its inception in the 1960’s, and is now indicated for a variety of conditions in both the child and the adult. Prof. Pavel Kolar further evolved this technique to make it more dynamic and to yield faster results. This is known as DNS: the purpose of the technique is to promote proper activation and coordination of the neuromuscular system. DNS has yielded amazing success in cerebral palsy, scoliosis, and stroke cases to name a few, and is equally as effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. While DNS is routinely used in Europe, it has only recently started to gain popularity in the United States. Dr. Mumma was the first Certified DNS Practitioner in the state of North Carolina.

DNS as a holistic approach

DNS views the musculoskeletal system as a whole. It involves every component of the movement system stereotypies including: joints, nerves, muscles and soft tissue. This activates entire global motor patterns of the body, which is the foundation of the body’s movement. These patterns are necessary for movement, posture, control and stability of the spine. DNS is one type of therapy, underneath the umbrella of the neuromuscular therapy category of rehabilitation.

Benefits of Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy itself can help reduce muscle pain and spasms. When muscles spasm they are not receiving adequate blood flow. This lack of blood flow to the muscle also results in a lack of oxygen in the blood reaching the muscle. When the muscle is deprived of oxygen it produces lactic acid. Lactic acid causes the muscle to get sore and lose a certain amount of function. Neuromuscular therapy can help relax the muscle and allow it to release the lactic acid that is causing it to get sore and lose function. Neuromuscular therapy combined with DNS can also help strengthen the muscles and help restore correct function to the musculoskeletal system.

Your Raleigh NC Provider of Neuromuscular Therapy

Our doctors are experts in various forms of manual therapy. You can trust them to treat you with various manual therapies in a way that is personalized and effective for your specific needs. Triangle CRC has experience with different types of neuromuscular therapy and we can tailor our approach to meet each patient’s needs. For more information about Dr. Mumma and her practice, click hereSchedule an appointment here.